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Here are some of my projects I deemed good enough to show. Most of them are scrapped though, as finishing them entirely would be a really lengthy process. The only one I want to finish is the RPG game I began working on in 2021, but first I need to learn Godot, as GameMaker is not enough in my opinion. ==============================================================================================================
                  2016 ==============================================================================================================

This is a Mario fangame I made in GameMaker using GATETE MARIO ENGINE 8.

                  2021 ==============================================================================================================


                  2023 ==============================================================================================================

This one is my thesis project. It's a platformer with grappling hook as its unique mechanic. I started making it in July of 2023 and made a basic platformer first, then I began working on the hook. That took me some time to make it work and then even more time I spent making it cool to use.

This entire project was at first planned to be finished someday, but as it turns out its really difficult to be in a process of learning another game engine, writing a thesis, looking for a job and doing this (and also wasting my life on the Internet).

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